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Pamela Faivre ha valorat a Google

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Jatan Vyas ha valorat a Google

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Amato Gabriele ha valorat a Google

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Laura Malone ha valorat a Google

(Translated by Google) Fast, good but a bit pricey (Original) Rapide, bon mais un peu cher

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Amine T ha valorat a Google

(Translated by Google) The cuisine is tasty, the service is pleasant (although a little slow), the quantities adequate... A good surprise, and a good address rue Montorgueil (Original) La cuisine est goutue, le service est agréable (Quoi qu'un poil lent), les quantités adéquates... Une bonne surprise, et une bonne adresse rue Montorgueil

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Berengier Emilie ha valorat a Google

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Melania Berti ha valorat a Google

(Translated by Google) Great food, we had two vegetarian dishes - the pad thai with tofu and the tofu curry soup, delicious! The waiter who followed us was very attentive and courteous. Recommended! (Original) Ottimo cibo, abbiamo preso due piatti vegetariani: il pad thai con tofu e la zuppa di curry al tofu, deliziosi! Il cameriere che ci ha seguito è stato molto attento e cortese. Consigliato!

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betty ha valorat a Google

(Translated by Google) Speed, efficiency, responsiveness, congratulations to the young waitress with clear eyes who runs everywhere and still keeps smiling. The service is as good as the food. Value for money, nothing to say, we are delighted and will come back with great pleasure. (Original) Rapidité, efficacité, réactivité, bravo à la jeune serveuse aux yeux clairs qui court partout et qui garde malgré tout le sourire. Le service est aussi bon que les plats. Rapport qualité prix, rien à dire, nous sommes enchantés et reviendrons avec grand plaisir.

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Susan CHEDRU ha valorat a Google

(Translated by Google) Just exceptional. Thanks to this restaurant (which has become my favorite in Paris) we went to Thailand. Even there I couldn't find the taste of this sublime dish: Thai basil chicken! Go for it !!! (Original) Juste exceptionnel. Grâce à ce resto (qui est devenu mon préféré à Paris) nous sommes partis en Thaïlande. Même là bas je n'ai pas réussi à retrouver le goût de ce sublime plat : poulet basilic thai ! Allez y !!!

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Loïc Lhermite ha valorat a Google

(Translated by Google) Simple and effective... Inexpensive.... And fuss, no talk. A value on ... Come with your eyes closed .... there's always something to eat, it's good ... And it doesn't drag ... Really perfect! (Original) Simple et efficace ... Pas cher.... Et BON....pas de chichi , pas de blabla . Une valeur sur ... Venez les yeux fermé....y a tjrs a manger , c est bon ... Et ça traine pas ... Vraiment parfait !

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Monthaï streetfood© 2024
Avís legal

84 Rue Montorgueil
75002 Paris, France

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